We will hear both voices, read both texts, scrutinize the conflicting images . Already in the earliest Midrashim, Isaac cries out, torn between faith and fear, imploring Abraham to bind him well lest his instinctive resistance blemish the sacrifice. As we shall see, by the Renaissance these reservations grow to outright confrontation and in modern times to rejection. – Is there a conflict between faith and morality?īoth piety and protest emerge from these issues: the acceptance of the biblical account as normative and right, and the critique of foundational sancta. The biblical account already contains the seeds of its own deconstruction. Isaac’s question “where is the lamb?” expresses either total naivete or covert suspicion. – Sacred geography: the internal/spiritual and external/physical journey – The bewilderment/awe at being challenged by God: Is it God? Why me? How do I respond? In fact, many critical issues in Judaism inform this foundation tale, even prefiguring the character of its daughter religions, Christianity and Islam: Either you marvel at the man`s faith and courage or you revile his madness. Without questioning, the old man hastens to the task. Aware or unaware, the son participates in the preparations. In the end God changes his mind, but the father and son do not return home together. Some time ago at the beginning of Jewish history an inscrutable God, without explanation, orders his favorite founder, Abraham, to sacrifice his beloved son. Explore its pages and share them with your family, friends, Jewish educators, art historians, artists, museum curators and anyone interested in Judaism and the Arts. We invite you to discover the beauty and wealth of information found within this website. To read more about the project and the sacrifice of Isaac, click here. Altogether, Milgrom has donated 3,000 slides from her personal collection to this project. Over 950 catalogued images are now accessible on the Visual Midrash Web site, with essays in English and Hebrew on 28 biblical themes.
The binding of isaac bible archive#
Milgrom’s archive of art images collected over a lifetime of teaching and pioneering the field of art as Biblical commentary. Jo Milgrom, Israel’s primary lecturer in “art as midrash” at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies and biblical scholar, Dr. The site, the first on-line fine and folk-art index of the Bible and its commentaries, was created by Dr. The article is one of 27 found on the TALI website Visual Midrash. The article The Binding of Isaac: Piety and Protest explores this week’s Torah Portion “Vayera” in a totally new light: through the eyes of the artist.